2025 CSUB
Kodály Institute
June 24 - July 12
Pedagogy & Literature Levels 1, 2, & 3 Musicianship, Choral Ensemble & Conducting
About Us
The CSUB Kodály Institute invites you to study the tried and true teaching practices and philosophy of Zoltan Kodály as we bring his legacy into the 21st Century for 21st Century teachers and students. You will gain knowledge and skills that will transform your teaching, whether you have prior Kodály experience and want to advance into deeper waters or whether this highly effective approach is new to you.
The CSUB Institute is fully endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators and provides all three levels (I, II, and III) and all five areas of study required to earn the prestigious OAKE/CSUB Certificate. Each annual three-week session runs Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, and your daily schedule will include coursework in Pedagogy, Musicianship, age-appropriate Music Literature, Conducting, and participation in the CSUB Teachers’ Chorus.
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Plenty to learn
You will learn sequential, step-by-step, simple-to-complex strategies for how to plan, teach, and pace your lessons and rehearsals in ways that guide your students to mastery. Though the Kodály Approach focuses on the voice as the primary teaching instrument, what you will take away from this curricula, no matter which age group you teach, from pre-school through college, vocal or instrumental, you will go away with tools and techniques that will vastly improve your students’ music literacy, sight reading, writing, theory, composition, inner hearing, intonation, and artistry.
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“ This program will revolutionize the way you approach music education, make music literacy more accessible and enjoyable for both the teacher and the student, and will ultimately make your job easier for the rest of your career.”
Carlin Truong, Level I Grad